Salish language is our most urgent area of work. It is the core of our culture. If the language is lost, a crucial part of our way of life will go with it. Unless we make a determined, aggressive effort to save it, Salish will become one of the ninety-eight percent of native languages that will soon become extinct. If our language is to survive, we must add to our rapidly dwindling numbers of fluent speakers. It is critical that younger tribal members learn and gain fluency.


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Salish Language App

The Salish Language App is avaliable now on both iOS and Android operating systems!

Download on the App Store

Salish Language App

The Salish Storybooks 1 App is avaliable now on iOS operating systems! 


 The Seliš & Qlispé Language Project

The Seliš & Qlispé Language Project is a community based language project that will create, modify and implement the Salish and Pend d'Oreille Comprehensive, Sequenced Language Curriculum.


Visit the Project Website